We went to the zoo on my birthday with several of my sisters and some of their kids. Not so much because it was my birthday, but because it was spring break and a nice day. It was just a bonus for me to be able to spend the day with my sisters and their cute kids. First, we stopped to see the elephants. It was fun to see Dorian grasp the concept of a mom and a baby animal.

This is my sister Marilee with her granddaughter, Stella. I love those chubby cheeks!

Out of all the things at the zoo, Dorian was most interested in the snow that was still on the ground. He had to stop and kick just about every clump we came to.

He also liked the giraffes with their long necks.

There's that cute baby Stella again.

My silly nieces took a break in the stroller while the babies weren't using it.

I really did have a stroller with me, but it was sort of hard to keep Dorian in it.

More snow...

My very pregnant sister, Lorinda.

Ooh, puddles are almost as good as snow. Maybe even better, since they get my pants and shoes wet and muddy and that drives my mom a bit crazy.

See that look of delight after he has completely soaked his bottom half?

My sister-in-law Cindy with her two cute boys, and another who belongs to Lorinda. The boys were a little bored by the animals, but kind of fascinated by the people. You get some weird ones at the zoo. (Not excluding us...)

Me and Dorian. :)

As we were leaving, I sat him up on the wall in front of the waterfall. And then, of course, he didn't want to get down...

...and had a tantrum when I told him it was really time to go.

Exhausted kiddo, he was asleep minutes after we got in the car. Spilled goldfish crackers everywhere before we got home. :)